Un Sonido Espontaneo

Un Sonido Espontaneo

GALÍ is currently considered one of the best Latin Pianists in his genre. His mastery of the instrument and his creativity at the time of composing spontaneous melodies causes each person who listens to his music to experience the atmosphere of angelic sounds that exists in Heaven but here on Earth.

From his childhood sitting on the instrument at his Island of Puerto Rico, Samuel Galí Jr. began to show a talent that could only come from God because he had never taken lessons before. His father had purchased an Organ for the house but it was never used until little “Sammy” placed his hands on it.

At the age of 5 GALÍ had already composed his first song titled “Aplaudid al Señor” (Let us clap
to the Lord). This joyful song was so popular among the people who knew him that it was actually
recorded on the Album “Levántate” (Stand Up) from the children’s group Club Peregrinitos in
Puerto Rico.

At 17 years old GALÍ was invited to be part of an All-Star orchestra of musicians and singers for a
series of conc
