Moonlight Madness
There are some artists that transcend popular music - the ones that all others must follow. With names like The Beatles, Hendrix, and Springsteen, these artists are legendary. Then there's Dave and the Moondogs……….While we would like to tell you that the next revolutionary movement in music is here, that's probably not the case. And while a song of ours may sound like the Beatles, or REM, or another one of your favorite bands, we can't really mention ourselves in the same sentence with them, and still keep a straight face!
Formed by two aspiring songwriters, Dave and the Moondogs has been a reclusive band during its three-year history. Preferring the solitude of our own studio over the spotlight of touring, our energy has been devoted to writing and recording only original songs (mostly because they’re easier to play than cover songs). With influences that include The Beatles, Billy Joel, REM, and James Taylor, the connection to the guys from Liverpool has always been the strongest.
In 1958, three guys name