Falling Into Love

Falling Into Love

Smooth jazz guitarist Federico Guillermo from the Bronx,New York; creates lush soundscapes that are a backdrop for his sizzling guitar playing.

From the Press- Republican Plattsburgh, NY by Evan Levin:
ALBUM: "Falling in Love"/ "Blue Rico"
ARTIST: Federico Guillermo.

North Country residents are sure lucky to have a transplanted Bronx guitarist named Federico Guillermo living among them.

With each new album he releases, he emphasizes what he told me the first time we met - that he is really good!

My only regret is I didn't allow him to play in my shop because I already had a guitarist at the time playing on a weekly basis. What was I thinking? So, Mr. Guillermo, I owe you an apology, and if I ever open another ice- cream shop in Plattsburgh, you'll be the first to play.

Another reason why Federico is cool is because he is one of the few living guitarists who impressed my not-so-easily-impressed grump of a dad.

My dad only wants to hear things like Santo and Johnny and experimental "phase 4" recordings c
