Jazz Piano - White Lotus

Jazz Piano - White Lotus

This first release by Johnny Todd was recorded in Honolulu, Hawaii while the pianist was still working as music director, conductor and pianist for famed Hawaiian entertainer Don Ho. He is accompanied by bassist Jon Kolivas who at the time had just returned to his native islands after a an active career in New York. Drummer Sonny Froman, a Pennsylvania native who's ubiquitous presence on the Hawaiian music scene provided meticulous rhythmic backing in all genres from Jazz to Pop and and across the spectrum from Ethnic to his other love as a member of the percussion section of the Honolulu Symphony. Sonny also shines as a composer on the album with his rhythmically quirky "Unexplained".
Bassist John Kolivas provides an adventurous arco solo on "If I were A Bell" and Johnny includes two solo piano improvisations on "Like Someone In Love" and "Angel Eyes".
The session begins with Johnny's arrangement of "There Is No Greater Love", a tribute to his long time inspiration, Oscar Peterson and is rounded out
