Reynard Silva
21岁的reynard silva仍在上学, 却已经在互联网上闯出名堂. 他将自己的生活经历写在歌中,听来很是真诚. 他的专辑整张听下来都非常舒服. 每首歌都很棒. 美国RNB新人Reynard Silva。 专辑名称:Attitude 歌手姓名:Reynard Silva 唱片公司:Jaravlis / RJC 发行日期:12/06/2007 专辑流派:R&B 专辑介绍: June 2007. Reynard Silva album is finally releasing. A couple years back, an album release never came to his mind. His music was all for fun, and it still is. But finally... Silva is taking his music to the next step. "Attitude". Yup. The album's called Attitude. At-ti-tude: manner, disposition, feeling, position, etc., with regard to a person or thing (Dictionary.com is awesome).It's our attitudes that make us function as who and what we are today. Our experiences give us a way to perceive life, but our attitude is what allows us to strive for our goals. And one of my goals in life, especially in music,is to spread good music, disregarding anything where people are categorized by means of looks, color, race, identity; where music is everything and image is nothing.