Rosalyn Tureck
罗莎琳·杜蕾克(RosalynTureck,1914.12.14–2003.7.17)1914年出生于美国芝加哥,早年就开始学习钢琴,1928年师从恰普索,十四岁已经能背谱以各种调性弹奏巴哈二部创意曲,193I年进入纽约茱丽亚音乐院受业于奥勒嘉·萨玛罗芙门下,十八岁以五个星期的时间练好全本《郭德堡变奏曲》并且能够背谱演出。杜蕾克二十三岁在纽约以连续六星期的时间举办一系列巴哈作品独奏会,曲目包括四十八首前奏曲与赋格、《郭德堡变奏曲》、钢琴组曲和法国及英国组曲:1935年首度在卡内基音乐厅登台,1936年与奥曼第/费城管弦乐团合作演出布拉姆斯第二号钢琴协奏曲,1947年第一次到欧洲巡回演出并录制不少专辑。杜蕾克被誉为是演奏巴哈乐曲「最崇高的女祭司」,然而她所诠释的十八、十九世纪作品也广受肯定,并曾经在威尼斯双年展尝试演奏二十世纪音乐。住在英国牛津从事教学工作。1990年代初,杜蕾克住在英国牛津从事教学工作,同时创作了一些新的录音。2002年返回纽约。2003年7月17日,于纽约布朗克斯逝世,享年88岁。\r \r After childhood keyboard lessons with various teachers in Chicago, Rosalyn Tureck went to Juilliard to study with the famed Olga Samaroff. Though she had performed in recitals and concerts as a child in Chicago, Tureck attracted particular attention with her New York debut shortly after her graduation in 1935. Over the next ten years, she narrowed her repertoire, eventually becoming most closely associated with the music of J.S. Bach. After her European debut in 1947, she began a successful international career that eventually took her to Africa, Asia, Latin America, and Israel. In the early 1960s she took up the harpsichord and clavichord, though the piano remained her primary vehicle for performance; she also occasionally took the podium as conductor. In tandem with a well-regarded concert and recording career, Tureck held numerous teaching posts as such institutions as Juilliard, Columbia University, and Oxford University; and published articles and books on pedagogical and performance-related topics, particularly in relation to the music of Bach. As a performer she was singled out for her intensity of feeling and clear contrapuntal sense; no less a luminary than Glenn Gould spoke highly of her considerable gifts.\r