Jan Vogler资料,Jan Vogler最新歌曲,Jan VoglerMV视频,Jan Vogler音乐专辑,Jan Vogler好听的歌

Jan Vogler

德国大提琴家杨‧沃格勒被视为新一代大提琴家中最有希望继承马友友、麦斯基、罗斯托波维奇等人大师地位的接班人。20岁时就成为德勒斯登国立管弦乐团的首席大提琴手,期间深受罗林‧马捷尔的赏识,1997年以独奏家身分单飞,手持1721年Montagnana名琴“ex-Hekking”。专辑【德弗札克:大提琴协奏曲之秘】获得金音叉大奖;弦乐四重奏版的【费加洛婚礼】与【魔笛选曲】也获得2006年度德国回声大奖。 生于音乐世家的沃格勒在事业道路上可谓一帆风顺。早在柏林音乐学院学习期间,他便得到了东德时代人人艳羡的位置:德累斯顿国立交响乐团的大提琴手。沃格勒回忆道:"这段时期我积累到很多宝贵的音乐资源。国立乐团的文化精髓,无论是布景、曲目还是声响艺术都被我像海绵吸水一般充分汲取。" 去纽约也是一蹴而就的事情。 “Mr. Vogler’s soulful, richly hued playing highlighted the piece’s melancholy traits, with the plaintive solo cello line embodying the voice of the biblical King Solomon.” (New York Times) “... and he does, bringing a wealth of varied articulations, phrasings, and tone colors to the task.” (The New Yorker review of Bach Cello Suites recording) “In the expansive, marvelously pensive slow movement, he entranced the ear with long-held notes that began with a lack of vibrato that implied emotional nakedness, but sweetened in the final nanosecond with a bit of pulsing - just as your ears insisted on it.” (Philadelphia Inquirer)

