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Dino Saluzzi

Dino Saluzzi对音乐的描写有相当好的想像力,是位用手风琴说故事的高手。Saluzzi在创作音乐时坚持把握自己的原则,他说道”如果我们不对自己的记忆负责,那么还有谁会?身为一个音乐家,我是记忆的仆人,但记忆也是我的贵人。”专辑的名称<>其实就是Saluzzi幼年时一起成长的玩伴,即使已经过了近七十年,对Juan Condori模糊的回忆仍偶然飘荡在梦里,因此Saluzzi藉由音乐来追溯这位难忘的朋友。 专辑中的演奏由Dino Saluzzi Group一手包办,几乎都是Saluzzi家族成员,其中包括从小就一起演奏的兄弟萨克斯风手Felix Saluzzi,和吉他手儿子Jose Maria Saluzzi,以及Felix Saluzzi的儿子贝斯手Matias Saluzzi,和一个来自义大利的新成员鼓手U.T.Ghandi。录音地点则回到他们的老家布宜诺斯艾利斯,在这里,Dino Saluzzi儿时的回忆历历在目,在对的时间,对的地点,与对的人物一起演奏,家乡的民谣与探戈风情全部融合在Saluzzi的音乐中。就像是费里尼的电影阿玛珂德,这张<>算是Dino Saluzzi对自己童年和家乡的回忆之作,有对逝去的感叹,也有对那纯真年代的缅怀。 Dino Saluzzi本人对新加入的鼓手U.T.Ghandi表现也是赞不绝口,Ghandi是个敏锐又杰出的鼓手,当Dino Saluzzi Group演奏时,所有的音色比例完美而均衡,一切如流水般一起流动,就像清澈的水。by Steve LeggettComposer, arranger, and world-class bandoneon player Dino Saluzzi was born in 1935 in Campo Santo, Argentina, the son of multi-instrumentalist and composer Cayetano Saluzzi, and spent his childhood in Buenos Aires, where he was a member of the Orquestra Estable at Radio el Mundo. By the age of 14 he was already leading his own bands (his first was Trio Carnival) and by the 1980s he had developed his unique bop-inflected and decidedly postmodern approach to the tango, an approach that has him artfully straddling the musical past, present, and future with casual yet acute balance. For all his association with the international avant-garde, Saluzzi still maintains his allegiance to the regional folk traditions of his youth, and that connection gives his sometimes fragmented compositions an uncommon center of gravity. Saluzzi s lengthy discography includes the albums Kultrum, Once Upon a Time -- Far Away in the South (both from 1985), Volver (1986), Andina (1988), Argentina (1990), Mojotoro (1991), Rios (1995), Cite de la Musique (1997), Senderos (2005), Juan Condori (2006), and Ojos Negros (2007), most of which were released on the ECM imprint.

