将台湾农民与劳工故事传唱下去的诚实音乐人。 美浓子弟林生祥于1994年,和他的乐团「观子音乐坑」投入声援家乡反水库运动的行列。1998年,林生祥与美浓爱乡协进会合办「过庄寻柳」、「游荡美丽岛」演唱会后,开始严肃地思考音乐的社会文化意义,而后决定回乡,这也是他往后音乐生命历程的重要起点。 走过反水库的交工时期,以及与各界乐手合作碰撞的时期,林生祥的创作广度不断跨越,浓度也持续增加。但他的关怀主题却始终围绕着土地与农民──既是他的起点,也是他的养分。 音乐上,林生祥再次回到以月琴创作的思路;但不同于交工乐队的时代,月琴不再是拼贴的元素。林生祥认真地思考,传统乐器在现代演出场景的应用,从增弦、定弦到调弦,并实验各种音响性的可能。他将过去四年专注在吉他上的节奏排练,移植回月琴演奏上,而曾在吉他上思考的月琴应用,折返至月琴,综合出一种在现代演出条件改变下、仍能不背离传统的音色。这样来回建构的音乐思考之路,使他的音乐更为诚恳厚重。 LIN Sheng-Xiang was born in Meinung, a small rural town in southern Taiwan, near the port city of Kaohsiung. LIN's career has seen the release of eleven albums and three film soundtracks, for which he has won nine Golden Melody Awards, ten Golden Indie Music Awards, one Taipei Film Festival award, and two Golden Horse Film Festival awards. In 1998, Lin returned to hometown and was engaged in Meinung Anti-dam Movement. He is empathic to agricultural workers and has deep concerns for environmental issues, his music has a base of elements from Taiwanese traditional music, coordinates with western music elements and develops into a unique genre of new folk in Taiwan. Lin has toured all over the world, performing in Europe, the Americas, and Asia.