SAVAGE's Bio DEPAIN is a Visual Kei band formed on February 2nd, 2009 and went on hiatus on December 21st, 2012. In June 2013 ENYA joined them and the band changed it's name to SAVAGE. members: Vo. Ryuuka (龍華) (ex-uNruSt) Gu. Takeru (猛) (ex-BLACK SHIP, brand Ф) Ba. ENYA (ex-Diement.) [joined on June 29th, 2013] Dr. Ayuto (ex-BLACK SHIP, KisNate) former members: Ba. Haren (ex.BLACK SHIP, brand Ф) [left the band on 30th September 2009] Ba. kaei (霞影) [joined on January 22nd, 2010; left the band on December 16th, 2012] Gt. Luu (流) [left the band on March 31st, 2013] · close