关于 1999 WRITE THE FUTURE 作为全新的多媒体内容频道,1999致力于探索90年代末亚裔群体和他们身上不断发展变化着的文化认同。由88rising创建的这一企划标志着“AZN”时代的开始,这个时代里出现了一种新的声音——属于我们的声音。在那些鲜为人知的故事、相互关联的人和食物里,我们书写未来。88rising是一家在音乐领域极富影响力的多媒体文化公司,经营着专注于亚洲人才的音乐厂牌。该频道将通过精心撰写的叙述插曲、现场演出、MV、专辑和互动游戏地图来探索青春、音乐、身份认同、爱情和美食等特定主题。 ABOUT 1999 WRITE THE FUTURE 1999 is a new multimedia content channel that explores the Asian diaspora and its developing cultural identity in America during the late 90s. Created by 88rising, the project marks the “AZN” era as the beginning of a new voice, our voice. Through untold stories, interconnected characters, and food, we write the future. 88 RISING IS A MULTIMEDIA CULTURE COMPANY WITH A SIGNIFICANT FOOTPRINT IN MUSIC. THE COMPANY RUNS A RECORD LABEL THAT FOCUSES ON ASIAN TALENT. The channel will explore specific themes of youth, music, identity, love, and food through scripted narrative skits, live performances, music videos, albums, and an interactive game map.