Maxine nightingale资料,Maxine nightingale最新歌曲,Maxine nightingaleMV视频,Maxine nightingale音乐专辑,Maxine nightingale好听的歌

Maxine nightingale

Maxine Nightingale生于1952年11月2日伦敦,是英国的R & B和灵魂音乐歌手。她最为著名的一个安打,是上世纪70年代获得了上万歌迷。Maxine Nightingale 只是16岁时,她开始在学校乐队唱歌。享受如此多的关注,使得她迅速地过渡到更专业的歌唱事业,并且出现在少数地方俱乐部,随之与唱片公司签约。Maxine Nightingale (born 2 November 1952; Wembley, London) is a British R&B and soul music singer. She is best known for her hits in the 1970s, with the million seller "Right Back Where We Started From" (1975), "Love Hit Me" (1977), and "Lead Me On" (1979).

