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Hélène Grimaud

中文名:埃莱娜·格里莫 生日:1969年11月7日 出生地:法国罗讷河口省普罗旺斯地区艾克斯 简介:埃莱娜·格里莫(法语:Hélène Grimaud,1969年11月7日-),犹太裔法国女钢琴家。 埃莱娜·格里莫在法国罗讷河口省普罗旺斯地区艾克斯出生,父亲是柏柏尔犹太人,母亲是科西嘉岛的塞法迪犹太人[1][2]。她剖析自己年幼时“极度过动”[3],在小学课堂上总是无法乖坐,且过度集中于某些事情上,这些现象在她7岁开始学习钢琴后,便逐渐稳定下来,而这种过度专注的特质,加上绝佳的听力与节奏感,使学琴过程进步神速。1982年13岁时即获巴黎音乐学校(Conservatoire de Paris)破格录取,与钢琴手雅克·鲁维耶(Jacques Rouvier)同校。 1985年,埃莱娜·格里莫凭谢尔盖·拉赫玛尼诺夫的《Piano Sonata No. 2》赢得巴黎音乐学院赢得首个奖项、雅克·克罗学院(L'Académie Charles Cros)的格兰披治光碟奖(Grand Prix du Disque)。1987年,她展开事业生涯,在巴黎举行独奏会;又与巴黎管弦乐团(Orchestre de Paris)合作演出,由丹尼尔·巴伦博伊姆指挥。 21岁时,埃莱娜·格里莫移居美国佛罗里达州,后又移居纽约市。之后在德国柏林住了一阵子[4],现定居瑞士[5]。 埃莱娜·格里莫具有联觉 (感觉相连症) 的特殊能力,弹奏音符时视觉上会同步出现色彩,她曾提到,弹奏巴哈的平均律时,会看到红色和橘色;弹贝多芬的暴风雨奏鸣曲看到黑色和蓝色;C小调的音乐则是黑色[6][7]。 埃莱娜·格里莫才华洋溢,不仅是音乐家,也是位作家,2003年至今已出版了三本著作。此外,她致力于野生动物的保育,曾不惜延缓音乐工作,努力研读动物生态学,并于1996年在美国纽约州成立狼群保育中心(Wolf Conservation Center),每年邀请数千名美国儿童参观园区。埃莱娜·格里莫也是音乐家人权协会(Musicians For Human Rights )的成员之一[8]。 个人专辑: 《Chopin Rachmaninov Sonatas No.2》 此张正式专辑是Helene Grimaud发行专辑的其中之一,是在2005年发行的,她是法国年轻的女钢琴家,她的演奏的非常优美。Helene Grimaud官网发布消息说这位美女钢琴家的下一张专辑《Reflection》中将会与次女高音Anne Sofie von Otter一起合作,Clara Schumann的艺术歌曲有点搅不懂,才第2张个人专辑就把Helene Grimaud打入伴奏的角色。希望大家多多支持和喜欢Helene Grimaud。 《Brahms Pianos Pieces Op》 This album is simply excellent. Helene Grimaud´s interpretation is very intense, and at the same time the pianist seems extremely concentrated on what she is doing, and knows perpectly well what these late-Brahms pieces are about. Even with such a strong personality - which makes her playing quite easily recognisable - she is still faithful to the score. Highly recommended. 《Artist Portrait Helene Grinaud》 For most of her young career, Helene Grimaud has recorded for Erato, so this disc, Helene Grimaud Artists Portrait, is essentially a précis of her career to date. Of course, almost everything here is a portion of a larger work; there are movements from concertos by Schumann, Beethoven, Gershwin, and Brahms, plus a couple of pieces of late Brahms, with only Beethoven´s Sonata, Op. 110, served complete. But Erato´s portions do paint a very accurate portrait of the artist as a young virtuoso of enormous talent. She is a young, impetuous virtuoso: Grimaud pushes tempos mercilessly in the Schumann Allegro affetuoso. She is a young, imperious virtuoso: Grimaud forces her extravagant expressivity on Beethoven´s Allegro moderato. She is a young, energetic virtuoso: Grimaud pumps the dynamics in Gershwin´s Allegro agitato. She is a young, excitable virtuoso: Grimaud pulls the form tight and taunt in Brahms´ Rondo Allegro non troppo. But Grimaud is not a reflective artist. Her late Brahms is pretty but meaningless and her Beethoven Op. 110 is well played, but not thought through very well. In her Beethoven Sonata, Grimaud´s phrasing lacks cogency, her themes lack coherency, her structures lack unity, and, ultimately, her performance lacks urgency. Grimaud is a young virtuoso of enormous talent and too little sense of impulse control. Erato´s sound is crisp and clear. 《Gershwin, Ravel : Piano Concertos》 This is one class act. Helene Grimaud generally prefers the heavy-duty German repertoire and has fought hard not to be typecast as a dainty "French" female pianist. Nevertheless she has expressed a certain affection for selected French and non-Germanic works, which is a good thing for us because this is the best performance of the Gershwin concerto we are ever likely to hear. It has style, warmth, and bravura to spare. In fact, everyone concerned treats it like it´s the greatest piece of music in the world, and the same positives apply to the Ravel. 著作:2003年:《Variations Sauvages》(英文版为《Wild Harmonies》)(中文版为《野性的变奏》,太阳社出版) 2005年:《Leçons Particulières》 2013年:《Retour à Salem》

