拥有中、荷、印、马四国混血,从小诞生在马来西亚沙巴的Che'Nelle,10多岁时随父母移民至澳洲,独特的生世背景,早就雕塑出这位新世代雷鬼嘻哈小公主,充满多元色彩的独特世界观。全家移民澳洲之后,父亲在澳洲开了一家卡拉OK,Che'Nelle从小就在这个只有区区几坪大,却无限宽广的音乐世界中恣意遨游,不知不觉地培养出她过人的歌唱技巧。宛如是上天安排好注定要诞生的一颗星星,对肢体表演亦充满兴趣的Che'Nelle,在学业上选择舞蹈作为她深化的专业领域。这位能歌善舞又会创作、有着充满异国情调脸蛋及无懈可击的身材、同时拥有独特世界观的女孩,将她的无限魅力转化成音乐创作发表在网络上,在短短的时间里,Che'Nelle的MYSPACE迅速累积超高人气,让她早已在数字世界里声名大噪。而这颗新星耀眼夺目的光芒,立即抓住美国知名资深音乐人Charles Dixon的高度关切,亲自搭机前往澳洲和Che'Nelle签下唱片合约。by Andy KellmanChe'Nelle Lim's stylistic versatility can be attributed to her passion for karaoke, which she began to love as a youngster growing up in the Kota Kinabalu village of Sabah, Malaysia. Karaoke helped her get through the culture shock of her family's relocation to Perth, Australia, and she took it singing a few steps further several years later by writing and producing some material of her own, which she put together in her home studio. She uploaded some songs to her MySpace page, catching the interest of longtime radio programmer and DJ Sir Charles Dixon. The Virgin label, impressed with her abilities and potential star power, signed her after Dixon arranged contact near the end of 2005. Things Happen for a Reason, released in 2007, featured productions from a diverse host of heavyweights -- including James Poyser, Sean Garrett, and Rich Harrison -- with each song either written or co-written by Che'Nelle.