

來自台北的新生代藝術家型饒舌歌手禪波ZENBØ,有著不同於他人的特殊節拍感以及韻腳,並以敏銳的聲音品味將一首又一首的作品繪上絕妙的聽感。 時隔五年再次推出全新專輯《咖啡氤》,展現禪波ZENBØ 不同於典型饒舌歌手的廣大野心,邀請昔日音樂戰友與樂壇新秀,並由禪波ZENBØ親自擔任製作人,傳遞獨特風格與美學。 《咖啡氤》裡探索前所未見的禪波ZENBØ:一張在嘻哈、靈魂、流行與實驗曲風中穿梭遊走,是具有禪波ZENBØ個人風味的專輯,值得聽者搭上一塊蛋糕跟一杯咖啡,在最適合的空間進入《咖啡氤》的世界。 "ZENBØ" in Chinese is "CHAN-BO." From Taiwan, Taipei. He possesses a unique sense of rhythm and rhyme that sets him apart from others, characterized by his acute vocal sensitivity and exquisite auditory experience. Five years later, ZENBØ makes a triumphant return with his latest album, "Caffeine," revealing ambitions that transcend typical rap conventions. Collaborating with former music comrades and emerging talents, ZENBØ takes on the role of producer, delivering a distinctive style and aesthetic. "Caffeine" unveils a new dimension of ZENBØ, effortlessly blending hip-hop, soul, pop, and experimental elements to create a truly unique album. Listeners are encouraged to pair the experience with a slice of cake and a cup of coffee, allowing themselves to fully immerse in the world of "Caffeine" in the perfect setting.


