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Monique Haas

别名:莫尼克·阿斯 国籍:法国 生日:1909-10-20 简介:Monique Haas (20 October 1909 – 9 June 1987) was a French pianist. Born in Paris, she studied at the Conservatoire there with Joseph Morpain and Lazare Lévy, taking a Premier Prix in 1927. She went on to study with Rudolf Serkin and Robert Casadesus. As a performer she toured all over the world, winning much praise for her performances of 20th-century music. The composer Francis Poulenc, himself an accomplished pianist, praised her as "the adorable Monique Haas who plays the piano ravishingly", and Henri Dutilleux described her as "a celebrated interpreter of the music of Ravel" 风格:French piano players of Haas's generation were moving away from the facile and often brittle technique associated with Marguerite Long (frequently referred to as the "diggy-diggy-dee" style).[2] Haas combined the cleanness and precision associated with the older school with a warmth of tone colour that reflected the influence of Alfred Cortot. Her unsentimental readings, especially of Debussy and Ravel, give a different view of their music, presenting them as both modern and as inheritors of the tradition of Couperin and the clavecinistes of the 18th century. Fascinating contrasts can be found between her two recordings of the Ravel Concerto in G. The earlier one, made in 1948, makes much of the work's connections with the jazz idiom of the twenties. The later recording, made in 1965, on the other hand, is far more "Mozartean", reflecting Ravel's self-confessed debt to Mozart when he wrote the concerto. 个人生活:Monique Haas的父亲Louis Haas是个工程师,出生在巴黎的她从小衣食无忧。在巴黎高等音乐学院,Haas师从Joseph Morpain以及法国四大钢琴教师之一的拉扎·列维并于1927年从列维班上以一奖毕业。走出学校后,Haas继续在包括时任最出色并且也是如今我们耳熟能详的钢琴大师卡萨德许、塞尔金、埃内斯库等人手下接受私人教导。 Haas是一个现代派专家,不仅将德彪西、拉威尔的音乐处理得出神入化,Haas同当时现代派的有名作曲家也交往甚密,包括Bohuslav Martinů , Alexander Tcherepnin , Alexander Tansman , Conrad Beck , Tibor Harsanyi 等人以及后来成为她丈夫的Marcel Mihalovici。她在斯特拉文斯基本人面前为作曲家演奏了Les Noces,指挥家更是大名鼎鼎的舍尔辛,并且早在贝尔格、韦伯恩等人还没出名时便弹奏过他们的曲子。巴托克第三钢琴协奏曲首演仅仅几天后,Haas便能够完美地将之再现,同时她还被公认为亨德米特的演奏专家。 如果你认为Haas只会弹奏现代派的音乐那么你就错了。莫扎特和海顿同样占据了这位气质出众的钢琴家相当大比例的演奏曲目,而舒曼则是她最喜爱的浪漫派作曲家,更不用说她还对肖邦有着相当深的研究。 二战期间,身为犹太人的她和丈夫一起在戛纳躲避战乱。战后她访问了苏联以及中国,她的足迹也遍布美国、欧洲和澳大利亚。1968到1969年期间,Haas还曾短暂的在巴黎高等音乐学院担任教授。 Haas晚年录制的德彪西,拉威尔钢琴独奏作品全集,是颇具风范的名演。

