福多玛Thomas Foguenne
配乐师兼制作人福多玛,是比利时台湾作曲及钢琴家,活跃于比利时和台湾两地。 2023年以小晓入围金马影展,已获两次金钟奖及金穗奖,国内外作品超过80部。金钟奖分别于2016年《衣柜里的猫》,2018年的《棘》获得。2021年金穗电影节由《度日》、《斌斌》、《女儿墙》三部影片共同获得最佳配乐奖。 对影像与音乐的连结有极高的敏锐度,接纳导演与理解导演的需求与期望,进而设计出适合的音乐,达成制作与创作平衡的作品。现于比利时Mons高等艺术学校任教电影配乐,课程中也带入台湾制作之配乐作品,提供学生对台湾的认识,并了解亚洲的专业制作团队。 受邀国内外影展频繁,2024年参与的默视录入围威尼斯竞赛片,亦受邀前往。 Thomas Foguenne is a Belgian-Taiwanese composer and pianist based in Belgium and in Taiwan. He graduated in contemporary music composition, piano, chamber music, and harmony at Conservatoire Royal de Musique de Mons (Belgium) where he also studied orchestra conducting and electronic music. In 2023, his score for Trouble Girl was nominated at the 60th Taipei Golden Horse Awards. He got nominated six times at the Golden Bell Awards in Taiwan for the Best Sound Award and won it twice: in 2016 for “The Cat in the Closet” and in 2018 for “The Thorn”. In 2021, he received a double nomination at the Taipei Film Awards for Best Music and the same year he won the Golden Harvest Award for Best Music for three short films: In Their Teen, Bin-bin and Before And After. He teaches film scoring, musical analysis and classical composition at ARTS² in Mons (Belgium).