Abel Ramos
With many years of experience behind the decks, Abel is a veteran of the scene with an extensive curriculum in nowadays historical clubs in Madrid like Zentral, Voltereta or Overdrive. \r \r Today he's in head of the Púlsar sessions, trying to develop the emergent trance panorama in the capital, where he has won a large reputation along the years playing at big events like Techno House Festival. He also play in big venues outside the country, like G-Move and Energy or clubs like Peach in London or Oxa in Switzerland. \r \r He began producing alongside Dimas & Martínez and Pedro Miras & Alberto Tapia, in classical tracks of the Spanish electronica like Timewarp. His skills has also been acclaimed from foreign labels like Tidy or Aqualoop, in tracks like One More or Quarzo. One of his last works is Kippenvelmeter, a track with the well-known Hungarian producer Shane 54 for DTF Records. \r \r His newest project is Púlsar Records, born from the homonimous sessions and with an international vision. The first reference of the label has been one of the hottest tracks of the last months, Aquarius, including a Randy Katana remix.