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Georges Delerue

Georges Delerue是一位在当代几乎被遗忘的电影配乐大师,但一旦提到他所配过乐的电影,任何人都会肃然起敬:戈达尔的《轻蔑》,特吕弗的《朱尔和吉姆》、《枪击钢琴师》、《最后一班地铁》,科尔比的《长别离》,阿伦·雷奈的《夜与雾》,梅尔维尔的《疯狂的世界》,贝尔托鲁奇的《随波逐流者》,瓦尔达的《流浪女》以及奥利弗·斯通的《野战排》等等。Delerue的合作者中包括了一大批世界最杰出的导演,而他本人更是堪称法国新浪潮电影不可或缺的一份子。\r \r Delerue生于1925年,在进入电影音乐界之前的40到50年代,为一些芭蕾舞剧和一些音乐剧谱写音乐,在40年间他为200多部电影谱写了配乐,成为欧洲最多产和受尊重的配乐人之一。70年代Delerue进军好莱坞并因一部《情定日落桥》获得葛莱美奖,后又因《上帝的阿格妮丝》获得一座奥斯卡。 Delerue最后一部作品是1992年为导演Bruce Beresford的Rich in Love谱写的配乐。可惜的是Delerue突发心脏病最终倒在了工作室内,享年67岁。\r \r by Hal Erickson\r French film composer Georges Delerue studied his craft under prestigious movie musician Darius Milhaud. More interested in establishing mood than churning out hit theme songs, Delerue contributed the scores to over 150 motion pictures. In his native France, Delerue wrote music for such highly regarded New Wave films as Hiroshima Mon Amour (1959), Shoot the Piano Player (1960) and Jules et Jim (1961). Equally busy in England and the U.S., Delerue worked on A Man for All Seasons (1966), Anne of a Thousand Days (1969), Day of the Dolphin (1973), A Little Romance (1979), Platoon (1986) and Steel Magnolias (1989). He also penned music for stage and TV productions during his long career. Delerue's final score was for the strange American romantic comedy Joe Versus the Volcano (1990).\r
