

李克非Kofey来自云南的独立音乐人,现居上海。常以音乐来构筑画面的空间想象。2017年发行首个作品系列《非林波克要塞》,整个作品基于自撰的科幻小说延展,提出“肉身即是一切”的主旨,揉杂不同的音乐风格,探讨人类数字进化的浪潮。同年的第二张专辑《福州大楼》将两年间积攒的楼内生活录音片段,以蒙太奇的方式融入到音乐叙事里,引用电影手法进行音乐创作,呈现潮湿氤氲的上海面貌。去年的单曲《Digital Voodoo》则是对日益疯涨的“Screen Time”抱怨自嘲。今年,李克非将走出录音室游历四方,以实景录制的方式来制作全新专辑。 Kofey is an independent musician hailing from Yunnan and currently based in Shanghai. He frequently uses music to construct imaginative visual spaces. In 2017, he released his first musical work, “Phlinpock,” which extends from a self-authored science fiction novel, presenting the theme “Body is everything.” This work blends various musical styles to explore the wave of human digital evolution. In the same year, his second album, “Hamilton,” seamlessly integrated two years' worth of daily life audio samples from Hamilton. He employed filmic methods in music composition to portray the humid and misty ambiance of the city. The single, "Digital Voodoo," humorously addresses the escalating complaints about "Screen Time" within the framework of reggae music, evolving into an electronic interpretation.This year, Kofey plans to venture out of the recording studio, traveling extensively to create a new album through on-site recordings.
