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Martin Tillman

马丁·迪尔曼(Martin Tillman)是一位来自瑞士苏黎世大提琴家,作曲家。经常看电影的朋友对马丁·迪尔曼(Martin Tillman)的音乐应该有所耳闻,他近些年活跃于电影配乐,超过200部的好莱坞电影原声音乐都有他的提琴演奏,如《珍珠港》《加勒比海盗3》。他以娴熟的提琴演奏技巧,将大提琴凝重浑厚的韵味发挥得淋漓尽致。大提琴是一件美丽的乐器,它的音色低沉浑厚,聆听的人总会情不自禁的在心底涌起淡淡的惆怅和伤感。但在电音和大提琴,以及各种音乐元素的混合之下,Martin Tillman 创造出了不可思议的音乐效果,这种来自他的融合了古典、流行、worldbeat、trip-hop 等多种风格的旋律和悦耳动人的音调,令人久久难以忘怀。by Stacia ProefrockSince arriving in the U.S. in 1988, Martin Tillman has blurred the lines between genres and stretched the boundaries of contemporary cello music. Performing with artists like Better Than Ezra, Ted Hawkins, Chicago, Tracy Chapman, and Beck and as a member of two ensembles, Triptych and Axiom of Choice, Tillman has adapted the cello for a variety of styles of music. His musical studies began in Europe and continued in the U.S. with cellist Lynn Harrell. He graduated from the University of Southern California in 1989 with a master's degree in Performance. After spending nearly a decade working with other artists, he began issuing projects of his own. In 1996 he recorded an ambient album in Switzerland entitled Lingo; he also has two collaborations with Michael Hoppe, The Poet and Afterglow. In 2000 Tillman made his major-label debut with a recording for Rounder, Eastern Twin, which also explored ambient textures with the cello.
