Voice of Fractals
Well…welcome! I am so glad you stopped by to sample some of my music. I hope you enjoyed it, as much as I enjoyed making it. There isn’t really a link between my songs, but I like to keep it that way. My main goal is variation, make my songs explode with energy and rhythm, and have each of my tracks stand on their own. I sometimes feel like a kid in a paint factory, there is no way I’m sticking to one color! I love music, ALL music, from hip-hop, funk, jazz, electronic, pop to chillout, acoustic guitar, classical…I could go on. My heroes are Ilayaraja (who is awesome by the way, you really should check him out), AR Rahman, Mozart,Beethoven,Bach,Brahms,Hans Zimmer, James Horner, Thomas Newman and all those brilliant musicians. All my compositions are created using the MAGIX MUSIC MAKER PRO,FL STUDIO and BTV SOLO. Thanks a bunch to all those people who gave me such fantastic comments, it keeps me going, and especially to DJ Detonator for this cool intro! Well, what else can I say…keep listening!