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The City Of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra

中文名:布拉格城市爱乐乐团 国籍:捷克 成立时间:1947年 简介:布拉格爱乐乐团是一个专业的交响管弦乐团,有着60多年历史,主要由捷克和斯洛伐克的古典、爵士音乐家组成。 该团成立于战后不久的1947年,他们当初以室内全乐器管弦乐为主,在布拉格定期活动。其演奏的内容大多是电影、电视、动画音乐,为世界闻名的巴兰道夫摄影棚 (Barrandov Film Studios)、历史悠久的“Krátký”(捷克语“电影短片”的意思)电影制片公司、前捷克斯洛伐克电视台等机构服务。乐团当时的规模并不大,被称 作“Filmový symfonický orchestr”(捷克语“电影交响乐团”的意思),或者被叫做“布拉格电影交响乐团”,早年有不少经典电影乐章出自他们之手。 荣誉记录:1986年,鬼才导演大卫 ·林奇(David Lynch)第一次找到了布拉格市爱乐乐团,为他的电影《蓝丝绒 Blue Velvet》录制音乐,同时还灌录了一些乐曲提供给派拉蒙、索尼、卢卡斯等电影公司。 1997 年、2001年,大卫·林奇两次重返布拉格,录制《妖夜慌踪 Lost Highway》和《穆赫兰道 Mulholland Drive》的音乐。 现今,布拉格爱乐乐团频繁演出、录制各类音乐,国际电影大片音乐、电视连续剧音乐是他们的特色所在,他们也经常出版CD和DVD。他们还为世界两大家用游戏制造商提供 游戏音乐。他们的活动不局限于捷克国内,他们的客户遍布全球各地。 Recording:The orchestra play and record music for every type of orchestral project including CD albums, major international films, television series, video games and even ringtones — both for the Czech Republic market but chiefly for clients and media productions all around the world. It works with labels such as Decca, EMI, Sony BMG, Silva Screen Records, Tadlow Music, etc. and many international film studios. The orchestra plays more than 250 recording sessions every year and that makes it one of the most recorded and respected orchestras in the world. Also the orchestra recorded many international movie scores. Recordings have been made for film production companies such as Paramount, Sony, Lucasfilm and many others at Smecky Music Studios. David Lynch returned again in 1997 to record his Lost Highway, and yet again in 2001 to record Mulholland Drive. Credit list consists acclaimed composer names like Alexandre Desplat, Rachel Portman, Mychael Danna, Jeff Danna, Ludovic Bource, Gabriel Yared and many more. Concerts:In recent years the orchestra have performed many concerts of classical and film music repertoire throughout Europe but especially Germany, where they are the “in house” orchestra for Klassik Radio. Now, with the international acclaim for their prize winning recordings, the orchestra is receiving requests for more and more live concerts around the world. These request peaked with the orchestra performing in front of an audience of 20,000 in Santiago, Chile with conductor Nic Raine and guest soloist Itzhak Perlman.
