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Chuck Brown

查克.伯朗12岁开始作曲,至今完成超过150首创作,   半生时光都厮守着钢琴,他已然磨练出最锐利的听觉与键盘直觉,   即使在面对最刁钻的曲目都能轻松驾驭。   查克·伯朗诠释的美感,在于那一尘不染的纯净音色。无论是高音的清脆、中音的饱和,还是低音的扎实,或是钢弦与钢弦间的泛音震荡,唯有透过他那精纯的技法,以及不加人工修饰的录音,才能呈现出钢琴的高贵原色。在查克·布朗的首张专辑《纯粹》中,这位钢琴家收起往日令人目眩的光茫,转而以内敛的气质来表现出自己罕见的天分。唱片中,汇聚起查克·伯朗20年创作生涯中的首选经典,在他精湛的诠释之下,这里的每个音阶浑圆晶亮,如透明的白水玉,每一波弦与弦间的震荡都历历在耳,这简单而直接的感动,从热切中透露出无疑的开阔,听者可以在这独特的素净气氛中,品尝钢琴不染尘俗的真正魅力。Chuck Brown (born 1957) is an American singer, songwriter and solo pianist who grew up in Columbus, Ohio. His piano works are considered to be in the New Age music genre, which is typified by gentle, flowing arrangements and strong melodies.After years of sporadic writing and recording, his first album, Unadorned, was recorded in 1997. The album was picked up for airplay by a number of college stations and new age radio programs. Three years later, he received extensive airplay for his second piano album, Breathe. The album charted in the Top 60 for New Age airplay nationally. His third solo piano disc, Incandescence, was released in 2004. It continues to be a popular selection on satellite digital and internet radio, as well as New Age radio programs.Brown has written hundreds of songs across multiple genres, and has also recorded an album of his original music for children, under the moniker Chuck Brown & The Chuckleberries.

