Isaac Gracie
Isaac Gracie returns with a cinematic new single, Lullaby. It follows a string of live dates in support of Elbow and James Vincent McMorrow, and is Isaac’s first new music of 2024. Since the release of Isaac’s self-titled debut album back in 2018, he took some time out before signing up to a collaborative studio space in London to help him stay focused on his writing. Surrounding himself with, and taking inspiration from, fellow musicians and creatives, it allowed him to steer clear of the weighty pressures of writing alone at home. “Writing can be a curse or a gift for me, and I think I’m now much more able to appreciate it as a gift rather than as a heavy weight around my neck. It’s become so liberating, and I’m really pleased with what I’ve been making.” 艾萨克-格雷西(Isaac Gracie)携电影般的新单曲《摇篮曲》回归。这是继一连串为 Elbow 和 James Vincent McMorrow 助阵的现场演出之后,Isaac 在 2024 年的首支新歌。自 2018 年发行 Isaac 的首张同名专辑以来,他曾在伦敦的一个合作录音室中休息了一段时间,以帮助自己专注于创作。与其他音乐家和创作者们在一起,并从他们身上汲取灵感,这让他摆脱了独自在家写作的沉重压力。"写作对我来说可以是一种诅咒,也可以是一种恩赐,我想我现在更能把它当作一种恩赐,而不是脖子上的重担。它变得如此自由,我对自己的创作非常满意"。