Pharrell Williams
来自美国维吉尼亚州的Pharrell Williams/痞子男菲董,12岁之龄认识Chad Hugo,两人一起玩音乐组团,建立彼此默契。1990年组织起四人节奏蓝调团体,被身兼Guy及Blackstreet两组乐团领导者与制作高手Teddy Riley发掘,Pharrell於1992年作嫁饶舌团体Wreckx-N-Effect作品"Rump Shaker"冲上亚军,自此创作才华开始受到瞩目。\r \r 1994年Pharrell与Chad正式组织起The Neptunes,替Blackstreet,SWV,Mase..等人创下亮眼佳绩,然而Pharrell灵韵十足的嗓音更是获得赞誉,频频出现在多位艺人专辑当中。\r \r 2001年加上好友Shae Haley建立起N*E*R*D音乐王国,以放克摇滚做根基,混入拿手嘻哈/灵魂旋律,成功打入英国市场。隔年The Neptunes同时赢得The Source以及Billboard音乐奖项「最佳制作人」加冕,\r \r 2003年发行首张专辑『The Neptunes Present….Clones』立刻空降全美流行专辑榜冠军。从去年就不断有动作的Pharrell,终於在千呼万唤之下,正式问世首张个人作『In My Mind』。Pharrell与Chad共通肩负制作之责,乐界好友也闻风而至,义不容辞参予协助,将此辑点缀的星光灿烂。首支单曲"Can I Have It Like That",Pharrell完全展现演唱及饶舌功力,有请美丽的「流行教关」关史蒂芬妮协助合声,登上英国金榜季军;第二支轻快放克灵魂之作"Angel",淋上Pharrell漂亮假音回绕,同样站上英国Top15位置;\r \r 2006年全力强打"Number 1",Pharrell配上葛莱美多项奖项加身才子肯伊威斯特助阵,相互并发灿烂音乐火花,势必造成英美排行剧烈骚动;充满阵阵慵懒爵士味,更鼓励每个人别放弃任何希望努力追梦,舒缓小品"You Can Do It Too"著实感动人心;南岸饶舌高手同为Star Trak旗下子弟兵Slim Thug,将独特Dirty South气流注入"Keep It Player"之中;还有两大饶舌巨星杰斯及尼力,分别在"Young Girl I Really Like You"与"Baby"欢乐嘻哈推荐佳作中,再展痞样个性化饶舌绝技 \r 全球R&B青年军膜拜新偶像 第44届葛莱美"最佳节奏蓝调男歌手"英美专集榜冠军大奖 \r \r 全美4周冠军曲"U Remind Me"、全美冠军曲"You Got It Bad"英国金曲榜亚军曲"Pop Ya Collar"及风靡全欧洲金曲"U-Turn"等16首R&B好歌 \r \r 《Can You Help Me》(帮帮我):钢琴配合弦乐,加以Usher激情演绎的伤感蓝调; \r 《I Don’t Know》(我不知道):与Puuf Daddy合作,一首节奏明快呈现出Hip Hop风格的中快板歌曲; \r 《How Do I Say》(难以出口):一改R&B的基本风格,加入打击乐的拉丁风情歌曲; \r 《TTP》(TTP):洋溢着热闹的“Funky+Rap”气息,融入更多国际元素的流行曲目\r \r Pharrell Williams didn't only help change the face of pop music during the late '90s and early 2000s. He also was one of the faces of pop music — as a charismatic star who often stole the show when producing and/or guesting on other artists' hit singles. His presence was unfading, whether he was in front of a music video or behind a beat. To trace the beginning of his ascent, you have to go back to 1992, when Teddy Riley tapped him to write a verse for Wreckx-n-Effect's "Rump Shaker." Since the late '90s, Williams and longtime friend Chad Hugo — known together as the Neptunes — began scoring songwriting and production assignments that slowly but steadily infiltrated mainstream music, whether it was via dance-pop (Britney Spears' "I'm a Slave 4 U"), hardcore rap (Clipse's "Grindin'"), or contemporary R&B (Babyface's "There She Goes"). Williams and Hugo were relatively obscure during the mid-'90s, doing spare work for the likes of SWV, Total, and Mase, but they would eventually develop a style that would become as recognized and as mimicked as that of fellow Virginia Beach native Timbaland. (Prior to stardom, all three producers were in a band together called Surrounded by Idiots.) \r \r As the duo took on more work, Williams' voice became increasingly familiar. He was now more likely to provide the chorus and the background vocals of the same song, in addition to appearing in the video. (Hear/see Jay-Z s "Excuse Me Miss" and Snoop Dogg's "Beautiful" for two examples.) It wasn't until the summer of 2003 that he truly stepped out on his own. He released his first solo single, "Frontin'." Produced with Hugo and featuring a guest verse from Jay-Z, the song built anticipation for The Neptunes Present... Clones, a compilation of all-new tracks from artists produced by the duo. "Frontin'" was a ubiquitous summer hit and kept Williams' momentum running up to the release of Hugo and Williams' second funk/rock-oriented N.E.R.D. album, released in March 2004. Williams' first solo album, In My Mind, survived a number of delays and was finally issued in July 2006.